Keywords should be specific and
related to your content
For instance, if you offer self catering holidays in Northumberland,
you might have considered using self-catering and holidays
in your list of keywords.
Broad generic terms such as those could land you in a field
rife with all kinds of unrelated competition - holiday agencies,
big accommodation sites, somebody in Cornwall who's been good
at promoting their web site, etc.
However, if you are specific with your keywords, using Northumberland,
your specific location(s), or a famous local attraction or
activity, there is a greater chance of landing near the top
of search results because there are fewer competitors in that
specialty market.
It is also likely that Internet users will use the more specific
criteria when initiating searches. Additionally, keywords
should be placed in top areas (such as titles) on your pages.
The lower the position on the page, the less chance of search
engines finding them.