Improving your Web Site
Health Check
for your Web Site |
So you've built your first site
and want to check how well it's built or if there's something
useful you can add. Try out some of the resources we've
gathered in the links at the top of the page. You might also
like to read this article - the
good, the bad and the ugly - about web design. |
Stop! Don't pass Go!
Make sure your site is in tip-top condition before you
start promoting it. You can do more harm than good if
you rush to get listed on search engines and directories before
you've thoroughly checked your site for appearance,
ease of use, content and functionality.You
also need to check your page titles
and meta tags and keywords.
Even though every web site is organic and will grow/change
over time, it's important to make sure it gets off to a good
start. If you don't do this you could struggle forever wondering
why your web site isn't getting any visitors and no enquiries
are coming through.
If you have a database
driven or dynamic website, you will have further obstacles
to overcome before your website is successfully indexed by
some search engines. Read about this particular problem at
Web Page Editors and
We recommend that you find out a little about HTML (hypertext
mark-up language), which is the basic language all web sites
are built with, at some stage.
All web-editing packages (the most popular at the moment are
Microsoft's FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver
and Adobe GoLive), generate HTML behind the scenes when
you use them. They're not perfect, and you will need to tweak
the HTML code by hand from time to time.
You can also go to:
This list gives you a number of web-site editors to choose from
that offer a variety of features and functionality. |
Get Learning
If you're new to building web sites, attend a training course
in web design, buy a good book, or use some of the good online
web sites that tell you how, such as Webmonkey.
NOTE: there's more to a successful web site than slapping
a few pages together with the mountains of free web-building
software available. |
Oh, but
it's easy!
And if you think you only need to use a "drag and drop"
web building tool like Microsoft's Front Page to build
your web site, read this little parable.
It should give you some food for thought! |
Of course, you can always use Snowgoose to design your site!
We also specialise in hand-holding and straight-talking -
guaranteed to get you off to the flying start you need at
a good price.