News |
Using Search Engine Promotion services
- 31st January 2003
problem with Domain Names - 28th January 2003
Snowgoose launches new web tools
for customers - Feb 2003
Snowgoose in the news with Webactive
magazine - July and August 2002
Grants for businesses in the Northumberland
National Park until end June 2002 This grant no
longer available
Snowgoose gets university approval
- Aug 2001
Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Site Promotion services
We often get asked if it's worth paying for third-party Search
Engine Promotion or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services.
These companies often send you spam (unsolicited) e-mail
suggesting that they've "noticed that you are not listed
in some engines" or "we will submit your site to
X, 000 engines for just X dollars/pounds".
Our advice is to treat them with a great deal of caution.
To read the latest advice from Google about such SEO services,
please see
in the news with Webactive Magazine 2002
Snowgoose was delighted to be approached by a regular columnist
for Webactive magazine and asked to contribute to their monthly
article on building websites.
You can read our comments and advice in both the July
and August 2002 editions on page 78.
magazine is aimed mostly at beginners and self-build
enthusiasts. With a circulation of 40,000 it is one on the
most popular monthly Internet magazines. You'll have to hurry
though - copies don't stay on the newsagents shelves for very
launches new web tools for Customers
February 2003 - Developed in-house by Snowgoose staff,
our custom-built tools are extremely easy to use and certainly
not hard on the budget.
You can now take advantage of the following:-
- Online availability.
For self-catering accommodation providers everywhere. What's
one of the first questions you get asked? That's right -
"Do you have a cottage available on such-and-such
a date?". Now you can keep potential customers
informed about your self-catering availability right up
there on your own website. Helps reduce the number of enquiries
you handle from customers chasing the same holiday dates!

- Website updating.
Are you fed up with contacting your web designer every time
you want to make a simple update? Control and update the
content of your own website without learning to use complicated
"web editing" tools.

- E-commerce, from simple
one-product businesses up to very complex multi-products/services.
Designed to blend perfectly with look and feel of your site.
Our custom-built e-commerce is very different to the "clunky"
offerings already available in the marketplace. As slick
and sophisticated as the blue chip offerings at a fraction
of the price.
Grant assistance may be available for businesses in the North
East to help you get off to a flying start with the above
tools. Contact Snowgoose to discuss your requirements.
get University Approval
August 2001 - Snowgoose recently discovered
why one of their web sites (
was getting rather a lot of regular visits from Leeds University.
This was a bit of a puzzle until Graeme Peacock
contacted them himself to find out what they were up to. |
We now know that the Graeme Peacock site at
has been officially adopted by Leeds University's Information
Technology department as their standard site for demonstrating
good practice in web design. |
Snowgoose are rather pleased about this. We think
we should go to the top of the class. ;-))) |
for Businesses in the Northumberland National Park
If you live and work in the National Park or
within a five mile radius of the perimeter you are
entitled to a grant towards a new web site or web site redesign
and appropriate training. |
Applications can still be made under the Park's Sustainable Development Fund (2007).
Don't wait for official bodies to do the online
marketing for you - start doing it now and judge the
results for yourself. |