Registering your own Domain Name
gives you a unique and marketable Web Address (such as our
own '' as opposed to say, '')
which remains yours for life, no matter which Service Provider
you use.
No domain name registered
Free Web space on customers own choice of free web
server (freeserve, virgin, etc.)
Snowgoose doesn't really recommend this option if
you are taking your business seriously.
Domain name registered - @ £10 for two years,
.com @ £10 for one year (other suffixes on request)
Domain and e-mail forwarding (free) if customer
using own web space.
If a customer requires a pre-registered domain name
to be transferred to Snowgoose, the set charge for
transferring the domain is £90 per hour, and we cannot
estimate how long this particular process will take.
Web site hosted with unlimited e-mails * £30 per
Site statistics £20 per year
(Above prices vary for sites designed
by outside companies)
It is highly recommended that you invest in hosting
your site in its own Web space for maximum reliability,
security, effectiveness of service and search engine
Snowgoose do not reserve copyrights on your site.
You are free to edit and update your own copy or to
have this done by another company
Conditions: that the web site owner notifies
Snowgoose beforehand of any intentions to maintain
or alter the site design, either by themselves or
a third party, and ensure that any reference to Snowgoose
is subsequently removed from the site.
The above prices are typical of those we charge small tourism businesses and
are subject to variation depending on the commercial field outside of which we